Train Smart

Welcome To 4.0 Fitness

What is 4.0 Fitness?

4.0 Fitness is a private in-home wellness company providing guided fitness through personal training and nutrition counseling.

Why Should I Train?

Investing in your physical health is vital. Besides the more obvious benefits of exercise such as weight control and heart health, physical activity can boost mood, aid with sleep, and help prevent or manage other diseases like osteoporosis or type 2 diabetes. Together we will develop the perfect program specifically for you!

Why Should I Get Nutritional Counseling?

Frequently, the more challenging aspect to change or commit to, is one’s diet. It is also the most important and influential for any goal. Today we are inundated with an immense amount of food related information. This oftentimes conflicting data can be confusing and frustrating. 4.0 Fitness takes the guesswork out of how to eat well. The focus is not on a “diet,” but to teach you the skills for a sustainable and balanced way of eating.